Topics: Global by Nature• Mexico• Intel• January 10, 2021: Mexico City, More Chinese Tech Ban, Intel Woes Hello Interconnected Readers: Last week, I shared my five big themes to explore in 2021, one of them is non-US innovation cities and corridors []. As someone who tends to act quickly (almost to a fault sometimes), I’ve decided to
Topics: IPO• Regulation• Lame Duck Delisting Sneaking in big announcements on the eve of major holidays seems to be en vogue with regulators these days. China’s State Administration for Market Regulations announced its antitrust investigation into Alibaba on Christmas Eve, so I spent Christmas Day writing “ Alibaba and Antitrust
Topics: Meta• IPO• Blockchain• Top 10 Posts of 2020; Five Themes for 2021 Dear Interconnected Readers: Last week was a (predictably) slow news week. One item worth mentioning is this WSJ exclusive [] on the new actions taken by Chinese regulators on Ant Group, following the antitrust investigation on Alibaba’s “choose
Topics: Alibaba• Antitrust• Top Articles• Alibaba and Antitrust with Chinese Characteristics I had planned to take time off during this Christmas week and enjoy the rustic island of Moloka‘i. But the announcement of an antitrust probe on Alibaba, dropped on Christmas Eve (and consequently dropped Alibaba’s stock price by 13%), is too interesting
Topics: EVs• Self-Driving• Tesla• December 20, 2020: Rituals Hello Interconnected Readers: I have been heads down writing and publishing the four-part “Global by Nature” series [], so I’ve neglected the Interconnected Weekly issue for many weeks -- breaking a ritual. Thus, the six stories commentary you will find
Topics: Meta• Open Source• Open Source, Open Stats, Open Development This is a shorter post than my customary Thursday articles, but hopefully no less interesting. My last four posts articulated a “Global by Nature” framework, looking at the forces that will shape a technology-driven (instead of a trade-driven) Globalization 2.0, and where investment
Topics: Global by Nature• Developer• API Economy• Global by Nature (Part IV): Public Companies to Watch In the first three parts of this “global by nature” series, we went in-depth into the three forces that will power the technology-driven Globalization 2.0: developers (people), APIs (product), open source (paradigm). * Part I: Developers [] * Part II: APIs [https:
Topics: Global by Nature• Open Source• Developer• Global by Nature (Part III): Open Source Part I and II of this series focused on two interconnected elements of the “global by nature” theme: people and products. The people are developers. The products are APIs. * Part I: Developers [] * Part II: APIs [] * Part
Topics: API Economy• Developer• Global by Nature• Global by Nature (Part II): APIs In Part I of this four-part series focused on people, namely developers who are the most important demographic in the technology-driven Globalization 2.0 that we are heading into. * Part I: Developers [] * Part III: Open Source [
Topics: Developer• Global by Nature• Top Articles• Global by Nature (Part I): Developers I write Interconnected as a place to help me think and a space for anyone to think with me. One of the big themes I’ve been thinking about is what will the next phase of globalization look like and what kind of people,
Topics: Facebook• Alibaba• Huawei• November 29, 2020: P(Good for the World) Hello Interconnected Readers: Last week -- American Thanksgiving plus my birthday week -- I re-read a few books. One of them was “Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk.” One small part of the book talks about Kenneth Arrow [
Topics: IPO• SPAC• Regulation• November 22, 2020: Birthday or Birthplace Hello Interconnected Readers: Next week is both Thanksgiving week in the US and my birthday week. (Programming note: I will not publish my usual Thursday deep dive analysis due to the holiday.) [If you’d like to skip ahead to the six news stories
Topics: Meta• Open Source• Developer• Building a Bilingual Newsletter: 2020 Edition I’m taking a departure from my usual deep dive analysis to write this “under the hood” exploration of how I’ve been building this bilingual newsletter. I want to share some behind the scenes information, because I’ve always treated Interconnected as a
Topics: Antitrust• Alibaba• Jack Ma• November 15, 2020: 16 Days Hello Interconnected Readers: I had a busy week last week that was mostly self-created. While still doing volunteer work at the Reno campaign office (work doesn’t stop when Election Day is over) and continuing my day job as an investor (doing calls with
Topics: Alibaba• Jack Ma• Regulation• Jack Ma, P2P Lending, Responsibility, Legacy When I was in my 20s, I dreamed of becoming a presidential speech writer. I’d stay up reading books, like Ted Sorensen’s memoir “Counselor [
Topics: Jack Ma• Alibaba• IPO• Jack Ma's Bund Finance Summit Speech Below is my unofficial translation of Jack Ma’s speech on October 24 at the Bund Finance Summit in Shanghai based on a Chinese transcript [] , with minor edits for clarity and speechification. To read some of my deep
Topics: Jack Ma• Cloud Industry• Semiconductor• November 8, 2020: Due Process and Procedural Justice Hello Interconnected Readers: I want to start off by citing a phrase from Matthew Prince, the CEO of Cloudflare: > I, personally, believe in strong Freedom of Speech protections, but I also acknowledge that it is a very American idea that is not shared
Topics: Open Source• Semiconductor• RISC-V• Some Bearish Thoughts on RISC-V I have been a supporter, if not an outright cheerleader, of RISC-V, the open source instruction set architecture (ISA). In my writings here on Interconnected [] and elsewhere [] , I’ve often used RISC-V as
Topics: Twitter• Apple• IPO• November 1, 2020: Trump Supporter and His Grandmother Hello Interconnected Readers: I’ve been spending the last week in Reno, Nevada, doing volunteer work for the US election during this final phase. (Nevada is the swing state closest to me.) Thinking back, I’ve spent every single Election Day, both presidential and
Topics: IPO• Wall Street Blunts the “Delisting” Hype The “delisting” narrative of Chinese companies from the US has largely not materialized. Instead, just about every other week there’s news of a new Chinese company about to IPO in New York. The next one, Lufax, may even end up being the largest
Topics: Cloud Industry• Data Center• Facebook• October 25, 2020: Be Good at Destroying Your Best Ideas Hello Interconnected Readers: I’m trying something new starting this week. In addition to the six stories summary that you’ve been getting, I will open this weekly issue with a more raw, personal, and reflective letter to you about something I thought about
Topics: Apple• India• China• iPhone: “Made in China -> India?” I always try to live by the framework of “strong opinion, weakly held”. That’s how I treat all my thoughts shared on Interconnected. I write, not just to share what I know, but also to learn from others, absorb new information, and update
Topics: Apple• Facebook• Huawei• October 18, 2020: Censorship, Apple in India, Huawei Selling Honor, Lithography, Chinese IPO This issue covers the period between October 12 - 18, 2020 with six news stories – three from English language sources, three from Chinese language sources. Disclaimer: all translated article titles are done by me, not official translations from the media outlets. Before you go
Topics: Cloud Industry• Alibaba• Tencent• China's Cloud Ceiling Cloud computing is hot. All cloud stocks are hot. Cloud was already growing everywhere and now accelerated by COVID, with massive adoption trends like remote work, e-commerce, digital health, and who knows what else. What used to be an outlandish approach to enterprise IT
Topics: Remote Work• Semiconductor• Developer• October 11, 2020: Remote Work, AMD-Xilinx, Developer Experience, BiliBili, Tuber Browser, China’s Snowflake This issue covers the period between October 4 - 11, 2020 with six news stories – three from English language sources, three from Chinese language sources. Disclaimer: all translated article titles are done by me, not official translations from the media outlets. Before you go