In lieu of our usual weekly news commentary from both the English and Chinese language worlds, I would like to make a product announcement: Interconnected Japanese (Interconnected 日本語版)!
When I wrote about Interconnected’s tech stack in “Open Source, Open Stats, Open Development,” I mentioned our plan to expand the newsletter to other languages beyond English and Chinese, thus have intentionally designed our stack to provide flexibility to add languages. This announcement is the first (small) step towards delivering on that promise.
Thanks to the incredible trans-creation work of Kantaro Komiya, a talented young Japanese journalist who did the bulk of the work, we now have a Japanese version for the follow articles:
- Jack Ma's Bund Finance Summit Speech
- Jack Ma, P2P Lending, Responsibility, Legacy
- Top 10 Posts of 2020; Five Themes for 2021
- Interconnected About Page
Simply navigate to the 日本語 tab to read the Japanese version. We will release a few more Japanese posts in the next few days, so please follow my Twitter, LinkedIn or bookmark the “Japanese” tag.
So Why Japanese?
As the 3rd largest economy in the world, Japan is an important country full of entrepreneurs and investors working to contribute to global technology innovation. Softbank is obviously the elephant in the room, but there are many others in the Japanese tech, investment, and innovation ecosystem, whom we want to reach and work with in the future.
Unfortunately, Japan as a whole ranks low in terms of English skills. According to Education First’s global English Proficiency Index (hat tip: Kantaro), Japan is ranked in the “low” bucket at #55, sandwiched between Tunisia and El Salvador. (No such index exists for Chinese, so we can’t gauge from that angle, though anecdotally, I know that some Japanese high schools teach Chinese literature in Chinese. There are also many similarities between the two languages.)
Looking at our own stats, among the top 10 geographical regions of Interconnected readers from 2020, Japan is the non-English country with the lowest English Proficiency Index ranking -- Germany is ranked #8, Singapore is #10, Hong Kong is #33, India is #50.
Thus, even though we are a tiny team with very limited resources, we decided to push forward and bring some of our writings to our Japanese audience in their own language.
We currently won’t have the capacity to trans-create every post in our archive to high-quality Japanese; that’s why we are calling this the “alpha” version. But if you’d like specific articles in Japanese -- perhaps to share with your co-workers, investment partners, or managers -- who don’t read either English or Chinese, send me a note via Twitter DM or email (kevin AT interconnected DOT blog). Our team will be happy to take a look and see what we can do!
Thank you for your support. Enjoy!
If you like what you've read, please SUBSCRIBE to the Interconnected email list. To read all previous posts, please check out the Archive section. New content will be delivered to your inbox (twice per week). Follow and interact with me on: Twitter, LinkedIn, Clubhouse (@kevinsxu).
今天不写我们平常每周的中英文新闻评论,而想做一个小的“产品官宣”:《互联》日语版(Interconnected 日本語版)!
我在《开源、开放数据、开放开发》这篇文章中,在写 Interconnected 的技术栈时,提到了我们团队计划将 newsletter 扩展到中英文以外的其他语言,因此在技术栈里做了一些选择,增加了灵活性,可以很容易的加入新的语言选择。这次“官宣” 是履行这一承诺的第一(小)步。
非常感谢 Kantaro Komiya,一位才华横溢的年轻日本记者的翻译工作,帮助我们实现这重要的一步;他辛苦地做了大部分的工作。现在我们有了以下文章的日文版。
只需浏览到日本语标签,即可阅读日文版。在接下来的几天里,我们将发布更多的日文文章,请关注我的 Twitter、LinkedIn或收藏 “Japanese” 标签。
可惜的是,日本整体在英语技能方面并没有那么高。根据Education First的《全球英语能力指数》(也是Kantaro给我分享的),日本被排在 "低" 这个行列,位列第55位,夹在突尼斯和萨尔瓦多之间。(针对中文没有这种指数,所以我们无法从这个角度来衡量,不过据我个人对日本的认识,有些日本高中会用中文直接教中国文学。这两个语言之间也有很多相似之处。)
再看看我们自己的数据,2020年里《互联》读者来源的前十大地域中,日本是英语能力指数排名最低的非英语国家 -- 德国排名第8,新加坡排名第10,香港排名第33,印度排名第50。
目前我们还没有能力把档案中的每一篇文章都变成高质量的日文,也是为什么把此版本称为 "alpha"。如果您想看到某篇文章的日文版(也许是为了与同事、投资伙伴或老板分享,他们可能既不读英文也不读中文),请通过 Twitter 私信或邮件(kevin AT interconnected DOT blog)跟我说。我们团队会尽量满足您的需求!
〈Interconnected 日本語版〉アルファ版ローンチのお知らせ
今日は、通常の英語圏・中国語圏のニュース解説の代わりに、新たなプロダクトの発表をしたいと思います。Interconnected Japanese(Interconnected 日本語版)です!
各記事の〈日本語〉タブに移動するだけで、日本語版を読むことができます。近日中にさらに何本か日本語記事を公開する予定ですので、私のTwitterやLinkedInのフォローや、"Japanese "タグのブックマークをお願いします
しかしあいにく、国全体としての言語状況を見たときに、日本は英語が通じにくい国とされています。Education Firstによる世界の英語能力指数(情報提供:小宮くん)では、日本は55位でチュニジアとエルサルバドルの間、「低い」グループにランクされています(中国語については、そのような指標が存在しないので評価ができませんが、定性的な例として、日本の高校では中国語の文学[漢文]を中国語で教えている学校があると聞いたことがあります。この2つの言語には共通点が多くあります。)
