Hello, I’m Kevin Xu, founder of Interconnected Capital, a global technology hedge fund, and I write the Interconnected Newsletter.
This is a weekly, bilingual (English/Chinese) publication looks at the venn diagram of builders (entrepreneurs & engineers), operators (business managers), investors (capitalists), regulators (politicians and government officials), and how they are all connected. If you like complicated stuff, told un-complicated-ly, this is the newsletter for you!
Thoughts, research, and ideas from Interconnected have been cited or published in the New York Times [1, 2, 3, 4], Bloomberg [1, 2, 3], Washington Post, Business Insider, Financial Times, Wired Magazine [1, 2], Al Jazeera, Wall Street Journal [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Protocol, TechCrunch, Noema Magazine, Rest of World [1, 2], and South China Morning Post [1, 2], among other media outlets.
Interact with me on Twitter/X, LinkedIn!
Interconnected Premium, our paid annual membership edition, includes the following:
💹 Quarterly investment portfolio deep dives
✍️ 1-2 posts per week on average of the kind of analysis and commentary you have been receiving (free subscribers will receive 1 post per week on average)
💻 A private Zoom scheduler link to have live 1-on-1 idea discussions (e.g. stock ideas, policy questions, new projects, general brainstorming)
😎 Early access to my new future projects, e.g. book, investment deals, etc.
Here are some of our favorite recent member-only premium posts:
- ($) 2025: Year of (Software) Picks and Shovels
- ($) Why is China Investigating Nvidia: Blackwell
- ($) DeepSeek's Three Idiosyncratic Advantages
Please consider joining Interconnected Premium and support our work.
All opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect the views of my previous employers (the White House, US Department of Commerce, PingCAP, OSS Capital, GitHub / Microsoft).
Please interact with me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and directly via email!
《互联》的分析,评论和研究被《纽约时报》, 《华盛顿邮报》, Business Insider, Wired Magazine [1, 2], Al Jazeera, 《华尔街日报》 [1, 2, 3, 4], Protocol, TechCrunch, Noema Magazine, Rest of World [1, 2], and 南阳早报等众多媒体引用或发表。
💹每季度投资业绩的深度分析 + 每月的市场观察
所有表达的观点均为我个人之见,不代表任何先前雇主(如白宫、美国商务部、PingCAP、OSS Capital、GitHub / Microsoft)的立场。
私のコメントとリサーチはNew York Times、Business Insider、Al Jazeera、Wall Street Journal、Wired、TechCrunch、ProtocolやRest of World、その他メディア媒体に掲載されてきました。このニュースレターや他媒体での私の著作は、有名ジャーナリスト・投資家・作家・起業家の方々に取り上げられてきました:
Great piece on the TikTok sweepstakes. "Having TikTok run on your cloud especially while it’s rapidly growing…and run it well without downtime or performance degradation, is a legitimate accomplishment and extremely valuable for differentiation"@kevinsxu https://t.co/6vRHMyh0Sy
— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) September 4, 2020
[ジョナサン・チェン:Wall Street Journalの中国支局長]
Brilliant piece on open source and global technology evolution. Must read!!! The Future of American Industry Depends on Open Source Tech | WIRED https://t.co/l4W9o5LQiR
— Bill Gurley (@bgurley) August 27, 2020
オープンソースとグローバルな技術進化についての見事な記事。必読です! 米国産業界の未来はオープンソース技術に掛かっている | WIRED
In his debut column for The Wire, @kevinsxu looks at China’s Semiconductor Future: What Can $1.4 Trillion Buy? honored to have Kevin writing for us: https://t.co/ltvfYZARgG
— David Barboza (@DavidBarboza2) October 4, 2020
@kevinsxuのThe Wireデビュー記事。中国の半導体の未来:1.4兆ドルで何が買える? 我々のためにケビンが寄稿してくれたことを誇りに思う
[デヴィッド・バーボーザ:元New York Times上海特派員・The Wire創立者]
Quick shout-out to the best newsletter I've subscribed to this year, Interconnected by @kevinsxu. Nuanced (and bilingual) writing on global tech and US-China intersections. Been learning a lot from it lately.
— Matt Sheehan (@mattsheehan88) November 12, 2020
Check it out: https://t.co/epnXQ18g81
- ジョーダン・シュナイダーのChinaTalk
- エリオット・ザーグマンとジェームズ・ホールのChina Investor Podcast
- トッド・エンブリーのThe Negotiation Podcast
- ジェフ・マイアソンのSoftware Engineering Daily
「書くことというのは、他人が考えることのできる文脈を作り出すスキルなのだ」 — エドウィン・シュロスバーグ